Depth and Table for an Pear Diamond

Pear Cut Diamonds

Diamond Shape: Pear Cut

Ideal for the person who wants an elegant and sophisticated diamond, the pear cut diamond combines the best features of the round and marquise cuts. Resembling a sparkling drop of water with one end rounded and the other pointed, this shape is fittingly referred to as a “teardrop” or “drop cut”. The elongated shape creates a slenderizing effect, making the pear cut especially flattering on diamond rings and earrings. Pear cut diamonds are one of the most customizable shapes due to the variation of stone widths available. Narrower pear cut diamonds look especially graceful on dangle earrings, while one with a wider width makes a more robust showing on an engagement ring.

In an ideal pear cut diamond, the point lines up with the apex of the rounded arc, and both sides of the arc are symmetrical. Similar to the elongated shapes of the marquise and oval cuts, pear cut diamonds that have larger length-to-width ratios are prone to a darkening in the center of the stone that is visible in a certain light. This “bow-tie” effect can be viewed with the naked eye, so it is important to get a visible inspection on your diamond before finalizing your purchase.


Pear Cut Diamond Guide

Every diamond shape has a length-to-width ratio that determines how a diamond will appear when viewed from above. When selecting a loose pear diamond, look for a length-to-width ratio between 1.3 and 1.8.

 Depth % Range for Pear Cut Diamonds
Very Good


 Table % Range for Pear Cut Diamonds



Very Good




Length to Width for Pear Cut Diamonds (L÷W = Length to Width Ratio)


Diamond Carat Size Comparison Chart for Pear Cut Diamonds